Kewl / Awesomeness

Ok, finally i decided to write on my blog again. x) lets see...lets see.....what to write about.....ok, il tell you briefly what happened so far in a way thats easier to understand.

I freakin cut my hair
: Amazing how many times i can change my hairstyle with short hair, this time it got transformed into some kinda strawberry bob..? Your probably wondering what the hell is that. Its some sort of thing that makes your head look round-ish like, well.......... a strawberry. xD I should really stop trying new stuff and go with something suitable. >.<

Marks: Well, I think its soooo unfair that english teachers can find all sorts of excuses just to not give you your mark that you deserve. What the hell is wrong with that. Other teachers on the other hand play the guilt card, some teachers do it ok but the others are just trying to hard. Famous lines like:
1. I expected too much of you
2. Ive done all I can and you disappointed me
3. Did I go wrong some where?
4. You are by far the worse class/student (sometimes its not true)
5. Just go away....I have nothing to say to you... *dramatic music

Rum and Coke without the rum please: Having drinks isnt so bad for my age. Its pretty normal, yet the glares of the neighbouring tables never end. I'm sitting at Souled Out watching the manu vs liverpool game for my sisters b'day, for once she decides to try some margaritas, I'm gulping down some tiger and this couple starts glaring at me like... O.O It took me a while to notice why, then I look back at them and they just keep staring as if theres a knife on my back and I didnt notice it. I started getting really interested in cocktails wondering about the cocktails info. I was sitting in a Roadhouse Grill in Penang, I've never tried the cocktails there so I asked my dad, turns out my distanced relatives who somehow have the name 'Jiam' made the Singapore Sling. >.< But i forgot all the other cocktails story. xD

"Just Fries, Im on a diet" : When I finally decided to cut down on my food intake and do a little bit more of exercise to loose some fats, my dad comes back from France saying he misses Malaysian food, like curry and what not. The aroma of the 'beautifully' stewed oil seems to draw him here, who knew. He starts going to all the places with Malaysian food and starts chowing down, by dragging me along I have no choice but to eat. Of all the places, PENANG. I ate all sorts of stuff there that you just wipe on a spoon and find a spoonful of oil. And the results.................
2.5 kilograms in one week.....

An Old Flame: I've gotten over the worst one, finally.... But not so much the recent one. Just when Im thinking, I should try something drastic to get over it, I get an unexpected phone call. Not exactly have I seen that person recently, actually I havent seen him for months. I caught up on the recent happenings with him, kind of feels great to hear his voice again. Great friend. x) Confused than ever at the time, now a little more relieved, more like really. I got the phone call on the first day of exams, GREAT timing. >.> But I dont regret hearing what I heard that taught me a lot about the person. I'll say it again, GREAT friend. x)

Thats so far all that I remember that happened recently. Not much. Nothings ever interesting anymore, once in a while I'd like to see someone dead! Ok, maybe not dead but someone that puts a little more suspense in the scenery. Rather than going through my recent daily routine...

1. Wake up
2. Get ready
3. Go school
4. Assembly
5. Go class
6. Hear lecture
7. Sports practice
8. Study
9. Break
10. Study
11. Lunch
12. Study
13. End of school
14. Stay Back (sometimes)
15. Go home
16. Bath
17. Watch tv/sleep
18. Do homework
19. Sleep

Back to my routine, ttyl.


Words that feed your brain

~If problems stick you like a knife, don't panic and take it out in a hurry, wait and get help.
~To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.
~Those who do not feel pain seldom think that it is felt.
~Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
~Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life.
~Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
~He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.
~What is a rebel? A man who says no
~Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love, is by far, the truest type of love.
~What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
~God can heal a broken heart, but He has to have all the pieces.
~He who laughs last didn't get it.
~Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never.
~The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake.
~Life is the flower for which love is the honey.
~Beware of the young doctor and the old barber.