When boredom strikes the mind of girls.

Today was ok, had fun with shanice. xD Yesterday she was SOO addicted to the dance mat, she wouldnt get off! Shes good at it too, she played controller and went pro, so me and my sisters fren and her each took one arrow on the dance mat and challenged her, we call it, the octopus. xDDDDD I had a nightmare and she made me feel better. Whee!!! Other than her phone got a dunk in the pool, the day was fine and I had fun putting on the make up for my sisters friends. x)

Got it from naavs blog xD

She thinks I dont blog much....

A for Alison Lee

1. Do you love this person?
Haha, why not?
2. Is this person your enemy?
No, or is she? O.o
3. Would you kiss this person?
I dont know, that a very hard question...

B for Brenda Yew

1. What do you really think of this person?

YES! Awesomeness sexay girl...
2. What's her favourite color?
Making a wild...guess......black? >.<

3.Ever danced with her?

Haha, no but wouldnt that be cool

C for Cardin

1. Do you have a crush on this person?
Haha, uhm..no
2. Have you had a crush on this person?
3. How old is he?
Either 70,17 or 7...

D for Deniece

1. How long have you know her?
Since last year, beginning of the year xP
2. Biggest regret?
Deleting the song 'when your gone' I wrote on the comp in front of her. xD
3. Do you hate this person?
Hell no! >.<

E for Eugene Ng

1. Have you met his parents?
2. Worst thing about this person?
Nothing xD
3. Best thing about this person?

F for Freddie Yong

1. Have you ever dated this person?
No! O.O
2.When is the last time you saw him?
A month ago.
3.Do you go to school with him?

G for Gwen Ng (right one)

1. Is she a good listener?
Yeap! =)
2. Have you ever lied to make this person feel better?
3. Is this person good looking?

H for Herveena

1. What grade is she in?
Grade 7
2. Is she your friend?
3. Ever done something illegal with this person?
uh, no....==

I for Ilyas

1. What is this person's favourite food?
I think Italian
2. How did you know him?
I grew up with him
3. Do you trust him?
I guess so...

J for Jeremy

1. Does he have any siblings?
Yeap, two
2. Do you know his favorite song?
I think 'follow me' by Uncle Kracker
3. What would you do if he confess he/she liked you?

K for Kimberley Yong

1. When did you two first meet?
Last year
2. How did you meet?
Volleyball, how else? x)
3. Ever danced with this person?
Haha, no but Ive seen her dance

L for Lisa

1. What would you do if you had a crush on this person?
Id be like, "your burning hot!" haha, thank god i dont xD
2. Do you like her as a friend?
Ngeh....shes aight xD
3. Would you go to Disneyland with this person?
Haha, why not

M for Mei Jin

1. Is this person older than you?
2. Is this person single?
Im not sure O.O
3. How many times do you talk to her in a week?
Rarely now =(

N for Naveena (first one)

1. Is this person your boy/girlfriend?
Haha, nope, wer just friends.
2. Have you seen this person cry?
Think so, dont want to. :(
3. Do you know this person's middle name?
Eh....she doesnt have a middle name I think.

O for Ong Melissa.

1. Are you related?
Nope, I think....
2. Could you live with this person?
Haha, sure, why not.
3. What school does he go to?
Wesley Methodist.

P for Pei Yii

1. Have you ever gone to mall with this person?
Yeaps, midvall and klcc.
2. How about a sleepover with her?
Nope, she cant stay over. :(
3. Does this person have a job?
Yea, shes our groups maniac.

Q for Quah Evans.

1. Does he have crush on you?
2. Would you hug this person?
Sure I guess.
3. Is this person your friend?

R for Rajveer.

1. Have you ever heard this person sing?
Nope, never.
2. Do you think this person will repost this?
I dont think he has a blog..
3. When does this person look best?
When he dresses like a Russian. xD

S for Sze May (the green one)

1. Is this person taller than you?
Lols! Sure she is.....
2. Do you enjoy spending time with her?
Love to!
3. Do she live close to you?
NOPE, near midvall.

T for Tecky.

1. Would you do anything for him?
Sure I guess.
2. Have you been to his house?
3. Where does he live?

U for.......uh.....

V for Vilyn.

1. Does she have crush on you?
2. Would you hug this person?
Shes great, why not?
3. Is this person your friend?

W for Wong Shanice. (the right one)

1. Is this person noisy or quiet?
NOISY, haha.
2. Describe this person.
Great great great bestie whos nice, funny, addicted to my dance mat and weird.
3. What colour eyes does this person have?
Black-ish brown.

X for Xin Yun (the right one)

1. Why are you friends with her?
Dont know her that well, but shes really nice I guess.
2. Have you ever gone anywhere with her?
3. What is one thing you will change about her?
Nothing, shes just fine.

Y for Ying Mei

1. Does this person wear make-up?
No, but ONE DAY I will draw on her face. ==
2. Does this person play instruments?
Yeaps, the guitar.
3. What is her favourite sport?
Volley! I think and also watching tv. xD

Z for Zhen Yin.

1. Does this person have MSN?
2. Have you gone out with her?
Yeap, at klcc. xD
3. When will you see this person next?
Maybe when school starts?


Words that feed your brain

~If problems stick you like a knife, don't panic and take it out in a hurry, wait and get help.
~To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.
~Those who do not feel pain seldom think that it is felt.
~Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
~Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life.
~Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
~He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.
~What is a rebel? A man who says no
~Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love, is by far, the truest type of love.
~What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
~God can heal a broken heart, but He has to have all the pieces.
~He who laughs last didn't get it.
~Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never.
~The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake.
~Life is the flower for which love is the honey.
~Beware of the young doctor and the old barber.