I owe them everything

Meet my deliciously insane friendly friends (thats not right) Its great that you meet people you never expect to be your bestfriend, when your alone in the dark, they'd be happy to turn on the lights for you. Sometimes they're the ones you turn to when your crying on the inside, its true family's most important but I would be kinda lost without my friends. Im bringing it up again, but this time I'll write more about what i think about them.

Lisa (Keling)

Description: My dear Lisa is to be described in many ways, mostly it would turn to, out of control. xD Shes great, pretty and fun to talk to but not right up there if you get me.(jk) Although I wouldn't have it any other way.
Personality: She cracks lame jokes and laughs at other lame jokes. Lol, she loves to talk to new people and make fun of me. Whenever I'm around her I just open up. But when shes sad you feel like you wont be entirely happy.
Best moment: It would be when I was going to the toughest time in form 1 and she would be on the phone with me for hours or comfort me constantly and try to make me feel better, if it wasn't for her I'd probably be lost now. =)

Shanice (Freak)

Description: My Shanice is an active freak that I can never forget. Shes hyper, nice, friendly and funny. Shes good at a lot of stuff and very easy to relate to.
Personality: She has a habit of being addicted to different types of games, and getting high at 12 in the morning until 3 maybe or more. She's very easy to talk to or to hang out with, I would know cause Im really close to her but wer nt in the same class or group.
Best moment: The best moment I guess was when I had a terrible nightmare in my sleep which freaked me out completely and she woke up and calmed me down. x) pretty lame but one of the nicest things ever.

Sze May (Dreamer)

Description: Sze May....Sze May.....for one thing shes has great dreams of Edward Cullen, another thing is shes an awesomeness girl. One of the best people to go for advice, nice sense of fashion too. x)
Personality: Shes random and is great at reading people like a book. Shes does the weirdest things taking after Lisa, she loves to talk like.......in a way that makes her sound very old. When she laughs, you'd just feel like laughing along even if its not funny.
Best moment: It would be when I went for stephanie loke's goodbye outing and for the first time me and her really talked, that was when I thought, I never knew I could bond with this person and to this very moment shes my bestfriend. ;D

Ying Mei (Mom)

Description: This girl acts like my mom, she is completely random, she looks lost, she makes lame jokes, she takes insults (mostly from Deniece) but I cant think of a day that I'm not thankful for meeting her in the first place. =)
Personality: She is one of the weirdest ever girls that I have ever met, she wouldn't say anything mean, the only reasons shes corrupted is cause of the group, she can talk to anyone and I cant think of anyone that hates her. She is addicted to Spongebob.
Best moment:The best moment would be when I first met her and became close to her, it was in form 1 and she was one of the first people that talked to me, that was when I knew that its ok to be me.

Deniece (Boss)

Description: Deniece is practically the boss of the group, she loves insulting us, loves asking weirdo questions, she would be the one that yells at anybody for cracking a lame joke xD, she would be the one making fun of us but we still love her in every way. ;)
Personality: Shes not the type to open up very easily, she makes great jokes sometimes (sometimes), she looooves speaking malay and chinese, insulting us in malay or chinese, very pretty although she'd kill us if we tell her, probably one of the most fun people to talk to. One more thing, camwhore.......
Best moment: With her, it would be when me and ying mei went to her house in form 1, and she practically opened up completely, it made me feel like she trusts me and most of the problems she had I could kinda relate to, which makes her one of the only people that can really relate to my problems and know whats up.

Pei Yii (Crazy)

Description: Pei Yii has a weird way of being described, shes for one thing crazy, pretty, her laugh is unforgettable, merajuk very easily, loves food, loves shopping and very perasan, shes the Pei Yii that I love. x)
Personality: Shes kinda very easy to talk to and its easy to make her laugh, she misses people very easily, gets high very easily, very sick, loves to give nicknames to her friends even if they dont like it (jiam jiam T.T), loves to look at hot guys, loves talking and is very fun to mess with. xD
Best moment: The best moment with pei yii would be when we entered the same dance for last years concert although our entire group didn't want to take part, it was only me and her, we kind of really bonded and I thought to myself, I never expected her to be my bestfriend. x)

This is all for now, these are some of my bestest friends in wesley, and I love all of them like crazy. Without them I wouldn't even be in wms, and I would be soo lost, their all number one and i owe them so much. =]


Words that feed your brain

~If problems stick you like a knife, don't panic and take it out in a hurry, wait and get help.
~To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.
~Those who do not feel pain seldom think that it is felt.
~Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
~Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life.
~Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
~He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.
~What is a rebel? A man who says no
~Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love, is by far, the truest type of love.
~What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
~God can heal a broken heart, but He has to have all the pieces.
~He who laughs last didn't get it.
~Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never.
~The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake.
~Life is the flower for which love is the honey.
~Beware of the young doctor and the old barber.